I have to thank you, those who prayed, those who sang, those who joined their hearts with mine last Wednesday and the days following. I did get a miracle, actually a couple.
The first one was on Wednesday, New Years Day, at 1:30 when we were singing "I Raise A Hallelujah" - I heard you. (I did not hear it at 3:30 but we still sang!). We were singing and all of the sudden the voices were so much louder than the crowd I was with. Was it heaven joining us? I believe it was a gift of hearing a crowd sing, that crowd was you. I was delightedly stunned! I was not the only one who got to hear it, another lady came up to me and said, "it is not glorious when you hear heaven sing?" It was magnificent! Thank you.
The second one was that I have now been told by 2 doctors the enemy that has invaded my body has not spread. It is localized to one spot. This is such a huge miracle it was not as we all expected but I will give credit to God for a miraculous touch. I do have another surgery next week to remove the localized area, unless of course we get there and find "nothing".... will keep you posted.
I read this in a novel yesterday:
I Refuse to Give up
I Refuse to Give in
I Refuse to Give Over
I Refuse to be Defeated
The enemy won’t win
I Refuse!
Author Ramona Richards
What a battle cry!
In this New Year with all the weight loss ads, exercise plan ideas, gym memberships being offered, it reminded me of how we train.
How do we “train” for battle? How do we train for a marathon? We start running, a bit at first, then gradually adding longer stretches until we have added a long enough distance to run a true marathon. Then we run that distance over and over and over again. Why? Because each time we do it we strengthen our body.
Think of weight lifting we did not just start tossing those big weights around, we started smaller and worked our way up. Because each time we lifted the weights we were adding resistance. By adding more weight, more distance and more determination we increase the amount we can handle. It’s called “resistance training.”
You have probably heard the term before and it is not a foreign concept in the exercise and body building world. What about in the spiritual world? How do you do resistance training? Can you do resistance training?
Well if in the physical world you add on more “weight/distance” then it would make sense that in the spiritual world you need to do the same.
If you need more “love” then you must learn to love those who are not necessarily loveable. That’s resistance, heck anyone can love “nice” people.
Need more “hope”, you probably will go through hopelessness to add on greater hope.
Need more patience… don’t we all? However to get patience we have to be in atmospheres were we cannot find it anywhere! It’s usually a chaotic and noisy environment. But it is in such a place where you can find “more patience “. You cannot learn patience in the calm backwater eddies of life.
How do I become a better soldier for God? By practice and resistance training. It does absolutely no good to train a soldier in the middle of the war! It is a little late for that.
We train before the battle starts. We pray more especially when we do not want to. We love more especially if we do not want to. We hope more especially if we cannot see it, we encourage more, even if we are not feeling it.
Resistance training- it builds you up a bit at a time, it becomes core to who you are. You practice it even when you do not even notice so that when you need it, when the battle draws nigh, you are in top form, peak condition and it oozes out of you with no effort.
Resistance training- excellent at the gym, essential for your soul and your life.