Turns out I am really not a gambler, my sister reminded me of that the other day.
I cannot do stock markets. I have used a slot machine before but had a $5 limit for myself- once, maybe twice. Suffice to say it is not a problem behaviour for me.
Last week I had mentioned in my blog that I was in Edmonton for tests and doctor appointments. Well, it was not a week we could have planned. It did not turn out they way I had expected or hoped. I went into it with a different expectation than what transpired. Life is often like that.
First I was suffering from another health issue which was not fun. Then we had the doctors show us a couple areas on my scan they are “suspicious “ of. There is no way of knowing what they are without removing them. You know, surgically.
I am feeling so great from my last surgery, better than for a very long time (minus last weeks health flare). In fact three health professionals have told me I have had miraculous healing! Yahoo!
So to say, that announcement of the “suspicious” hit me hard, very hard.
I have been offered a treatment to do before surgery, if I chose to accept this mission. It has a 50/50 chance of working. It has a 50/50 chance of hitting the wrong target. Oh boy, those odds are leaving me feeling like the cup is half empty. Others might feel like the cup is half full. A true roll of the dice, or hoping for that great poker hand, you could say.
Now you get the gambler comment.
What will I choose? Beats me. I am in my fact finding mode…. Research. The person with the most information- wins!
But more honestly, I am in a prayerful mode, I am waiting for my answer to be divinely given.
I started smiling about this as I realize many of you who do not share my faith may see me as taking the “biggest” gamble of all by trusting in a God that you cannot see. What a gamble you might think, to leave my life in His hands!
Then there is my life history - strewn with huge gambles! How can I claim to not be a gambler? How could I possibly sell everything and move to the bush? That is a huge gamble.
My eternal life, you may believe that must certainly a gamble.
But from your perspective it may seem like a gamble. From mine, this non gambler is standing on rock solid ground. Remember I cannot commit if I do not have facts to back it up.
Not only do I have facts, I have events, dates, miracles and even talk with this invisible God daily. I believe and have to work at it sometimes, that what He says is true. Does it always make sense? Not always to me, but it is called "faith" for a reason. I certainly do not have the answers too much. Where and what does He say about this health journey and the suspicious? We are chatting, a lot.
To address the eternal life issue, or I guess to be more blunt, what happens after you die: and we all will. If I die with my faith, believing that Jesus paid for my ticket into heaven, win. If I am wrong and I die and I am buried and simply stay there, still not a big deal.
But if a person dies and there really is a heaven and a hell, oh my, I would like assurance that I am heading for heaven. Hell is not a place anyone wants to head for. It is not a picnic and those stories of epic partying- wrong.
I know 3 people who were declared “dead” but were revived and those 3 each came back talking about being in a dark and terrifying place, they called hell. The description they gave was in no way a place anymore wants to go. All 3 of them found God for themselves so they could be assured they were not gambling with their final destination the next time.
If you have no faith then there is not a worry for you because you do not believe in hell anyways. I guess that’s kind of like me believing in an invisible god… if you cannot see it it must not be there.
Here is the deal breaker for me on that. Jesus, the man who walked this earth, proven to have exhisted by secular scholars and believing ones… He talked about hell a lot. He believes in it. He died, and He staked His life on it. I think His endorsement of it bears thinking about.
To me, not believing, well that is a gamble of the most extreme! One of us is gambling..