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I never wanted to go to Israel, I was going to Scotland, and that would have been the wrong choice. When asked why I did go, I answered something like this: "I want to go because I think I settle instead of expect God to show up. I think I am willing to take the leftovers instead of thinking God will show up extravagantly. I want to know the God of the extravagant and I know He wants to show me that is who He is. I want to break off my thinking that I am only worth settling for, I want the dump truck, not the little pieces. I want to know the God of the extravagant! He showed up!
2020 Release
Lessons I Learned In The Promised Land
Book Details
137 pages,
Available as Paperback and ebook
ebook available at Amazon.com, Amazon.ca
ISBN:978-0-9958647-8-8 Paperback
ISBN:978-0-9958647-9-5 ebook
Buy Paperback $15.00

The Complete Love Circle
A Bible Study
Published 2017

We are designed to have a "love tank", a place inside of us that needs to be filled. You might not even know that you have one, but inside you know that something is missing. You have tried to fill the emptiness with a variety of things clutching for some kind of life preserver. Sometimes you feel better for a while, but then it returns bringing with it an intensity and longing to find something that will take the ache away. The Complete Love Circle shows you how to not only fill the void but how to have an endless supply of love that fills your tank completely.
Book Details: Bible Study: 143 pages, 9 Lessons
Available as Paperback and ebook
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9958647-1-9
ebook available on Amazon
Buy Paperback $15.00
It Is Finished
Book Details
192 Pages // Hardcover// Paperback
Available as:
978-1-4602-1697-2 Hardcover
978-1-4602-1697-9 Paperback
978-1-4602-1697-6 eBook
Catagories: Religion, Christian Life, Personal Growth, Biblical Studies Religion, Biblical Commentary
Keywords: Old Testament, New Testament, Healing, Inspiration & Personal Growth, Jesus Words, Heart Bible Study
The Most Powerful Words Ever Spoken
It Is Finished is a fascinating look at the Bible in a new way. God has revealed to us His most treasured stories in the Bible, but they are far more than stories. Use this study book and join Jane as God takes her on a journey of discovery as God lights the way to point out what and why the Old Testament stories are really New Testament truths. From lambs to snakes to hearts, God reveals to us His heart and His plan for mankind. His unrelenting love pours off the pages of the Bible to us in a new way in the 21st century, come discover for yourself why you will soon be declaring to all "It Is Finished!"

Buy Hardcover: $25.00
Buy Paperback: $15.00
Free To Fly
"Let Loose & Soar"
When life gets you feeling "grounded", where do you turn? When hopes are dashed and disappointments come, how do you respond? Free to Fly is an analogy of what it takes to get a multi-ton piece of steel off the ground, thrust into the air and stay there; and how that can correspond to what it takes to get human spirits off the ground and up where they belong. If you are looking to revive your joy, and spirit, take a flight into Free To Fly and get ready for take off!
Buy Hardcover: $25.00
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"When we think of flying, many things come to mind; first and foremost, for most of us, flying is an adventures; it is exciting; and it symbolizes something new and different.
I believe this is why these men (the disciples) followed Jesus, it was something new and different, it was to them- exciting. But for some of us, flying is full of fear. Flying can be a dreaded thing; the thought of hurtling your body through the air at astronical speeds is just not appealing.
.....things that need to be looked at and learned before we can fly...."

Book Details
136 Pages // Black & White // Paperback
Available as:
978-0-9958647-0-2 Paperback
Midweek Moments
2016 Blog Posts
Midweek Moments are the 2016 published Blogs of Jane Wheeler at Ray of Sunshine Ministries. Blogs designed to bring humour, Godly direction and to challenge you and get you thinking. Jane pulls from her real-life experiences and daily struggles to the controversial topics. Join Jane as she journeys with alligators on road trips to golden canola fields, taking you from gutters to air conditioners.
Buy Paperback: $13.00

Midweek Moments
2017 blog posts

Book Details
198 Pages// Paperback//
ISBN: 978-0-9958647-5-7
Jane invites her readers to take a peek into her "life". She draws open a look at her personal experiences offering insights and lessons she has learned along the way.
Her 2017 Blogs contain stories about her families journey through Alzheimer's and Dementia, the Librarian saga - where Jane worked in the High School for a year, sheep and honeybees to miracles and expectations. All the while remembering that God is in control of all of life's interruptions and adventures.
You are invited to sit back and share life with Jane.
Purchase Paperback $13.00